Marry Me
Bradley and I are high school sweethearts and have been together ever since. We have a fur baby Labrador, Rubi who is nearly 5 years old. We both grew up in small country towns in the South of Auckland. 
We got engaged in Hawaii after a morning trek climbing Koko Head Crater - 1000+ railway stairs. It really was the best day and felt so surreal with a picturesque view behind us.
The Day
We got married at Kauri Bay Boomrock in Clevedon on Thursday 18th April 2019 before Easter weekend. At first this date wasn’t significant to us. We chose this date so our guests could have an extra long weekend. However we soon found out this particular day was significant and it was my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary on this day. It was so special to be able to share and involve them. We will always cherish this special memory. 
The Details.
We loved the simplicity and gorgeous country view of Kauri Bay Boomrock. We wanted our wedding day to be stress free, filled with great wine and amazing food. Kauri Bay Boomrock definitely brought all of those elements to our day. 
I did majority of the planning for our wedding and couldn’t help myself by being inspired by wedding magazine, Together Journal. Our style / theme for our wedding was minimal, elegant and modern which was shown throughout the whole day.
Expectations and Reality. 
We knew our wedding would be the best day of our lives and it definitely lived up to our expectations. We wanted our wedding to be stress free, full of laughter and for everyone to have amazing day and night. 
We were surprised that literally everything went to plan on the day and not one thing went wrong! 
From One Bride To Another.
A few important tips I would give for brides to be is not to stress, be organised and relax leading up to your day. Wedding planning should be such an exciting time of your life and you should enjoy every moment of it.
Also remember to both take a step back from everything throughout the day and look around at all the people in the room who are there to celebrate the love of you both. You will definitely appreciate it as the day goes by so fast. 
Best Moment. 
There are so many memorable moments which I wish we could re-live.
But the one particular moment would be to walk down the aisle again and take it all in. You have so many different happy emotions going through your mind that the whole ceremony feels like a blur. 


Photographer: Coralee Stone // @coraleestone

Videographer: Stephan & Nakita // @stephanandnakita

Venue: Kauri Bay Boomrock // @kauribayboomrock

Hair: Anita Morris Hair // @anitamorrishair 

Makeup: Leah Loves Makeup // @leahlovesmakeup

Dress: Pre-loved Anna Schimmel dress brought at Secret Lace Bridal                    // @anna.schimmel

Suits: Barkers // @barkersclothing 

Rings: Naveya & Sloane Jewellery (brides rings), Pascoes (Grooms ring)                // @naveyaandsloanejewellery & @pascoes_

Also featured in Together Journal 2019. 